Place-based Education

Place-based Education

Building connection between places and neighbouring ecological hotspots with knowledge and sense of belonging

Day and Night in Lantau

Day and Night in Lantau

Day and Night in Lantau which is a new course launched by OWLHK from July and August 2017. In order to give comprehensive view of the natural environment in Lantau Island, we offer day tours and night tours to different ecological hotspots.

Day tour - Trace of Butterflies

Walking along the coastal paths, you can take a look at different plants and the relationships between butterflies and them. Our professional guides will lead you to the dancing butterflies, enjoy the amazing summer in the early morning together.

Night tour - The World of Amphibians and Reptiles

The wetlands in Pui O are enlisted as a conservation area in the Sustainable Lantau Blueprint which was proposed by the government lately. It can help avert the threats of major development. However, there are still some issues that undermine the habitats and ecology in Pui O. Therefore, we will guide you to explore Pui O at night and find the “indigenous residents”.

Thank you for your energetic anticipation, we enjoy to explore this natural Lantau with you! We are more than happy to hold different eco-tours for each of you, reach us for more details!