Outdoor Wildlife Learning Hong Kong (OWLHK) is a professional environmental education organization established in 2016 and became a registered charity in Hong Kong (IR file no.:91/16831). We aim at promoting conservation and environmental education in Hong Kong through outdoor education.
Owls have long been viewed as a symbol of wisdom and intelligence in various ancient cultures, and at the same time they are a part of nature. OWLHK, therefore, represents our professional knowledge; our care for the nature environment; and our dedication to environmental education. Our fervent OWLHK team shares one same vision: to contribute to and promote ecological conservation and environmental education in Hong Kong with our passion, expertise and ambitions.
Our OWLHK team shares sincere love, respect and appreciation for nature and biodiversity. Doctrine of the Mean: “Sincerity is the way of heaven; making oneself sincere is the way of man.” Sincerity is the key to success. We hope our sincere passion for environmental conservation and education could move and influence YOU.
With our academic backgrounds, our OWLHK team is equipped with sound professional knowledge in ecology, biodiversity and nature conservation of Hong Kong. On the other hand, each and every one of us pursued a different area in our postgraduate study and attained expertise in a wide array of specialised fields, including environmental education, environmental management, freshwater wetlands research and ecotourism..
Anton Chekhov: “Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice.” With our knowledge and expertise, we hope to assist the public to learn about ecology and wildlife, as well as to promote a pro-environment attitude and ecologically sustainable lifestyle through our earnestly and thoughtfully designed education programmes.