In 2022-2023, we organized 3 night-safari field trips for the Wildlife & Animal Caring Society from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Leading students to observe local nocturnal animals, together, we discovered the mysterious side of fireflies, amphibians and reptiles in the wild.
In August 2022 and July 2023, our tutors led 20 students visit Tai Po Kau Nature Reserve near their campus to reveal the night life inside a Hong Kong forest. Under tutors’ guidance, students explored the forest and nocturnal wildlife in small groups. This was their first visit to the place or even the first night safari for some of the students. They were very enthusiastic and engaged through the night, searching and learning about the features of various frogs, snakes and geckos found along the way.
With us in May 2023, the Society has organised their first field trip to Sha Lo Tung to learn about the ecology of fireflies and other insects, as well as the conservation issues of the place. The trip started from Fung Yuen, and walked all the way to Sha Lo Tung. During the walk, students passed by habitats like forests, streams and wetlands. They all took a close look at diverse insects right in front and were deeply overwhelmed by the adverse impact caused by urban development, water pollution and light pollution towards fireflies. Lots of students considered becoming more attentive to the future local village development, in the hope of preserving the place with such high ecological value.