Terrestrial Ecology

Terrestrial Ecology

Into the woods and streams, observe the ecological interaction

Ant Agents

Ant Agents

In 2017, OWLHK organized a one-day outdoor study course especially for the New Senior Secondary Biology curriculum. This programme is jointly organized with the Ecology and Biodiversity Society, SS, HKUSU and was funded by the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department. This course is based on the theme of the most common insects in city - ants. By studying the diversity and ecology of ants in urban area, suburb and their corresponding habitats, students could understand Hong Kong’s biodiversity and achieve subject learning and environmental education.

Secondary School Teacher Training will enhance teacher interest and knowledge in urban biodiversity through seminars and outdoor study. We hope that similar topics will be added to future teaching and curriculum.

“Ant Agents” is an activity at schools. Our Tutors will deliver sessions at schools, and demonstrate the urban ecological observation part in campus; teachers can choose either Tai Po Kau Nature Reserve or Lung Fu Shan Country Park as the field study site. After outdoor study, students will head back to school to have data analysis, discussion and presentation of their findings in groups.

Thank you for your support. If you are interested in joining “Ant Agents”, click here and welcome to reach us!